Hear about the 2022 Award

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If you missed it, here’s the webinar information session about the award that was run on June 30th. You can hear from students, tutors and the course coordinator Jenny and we invite you to ask any questions you like in the SDS Forum or by emailing Jenny. Applications are open for student term 2022-23 commencing September andThe award will build your confidence and knowledge and a previous year’s student will talk through the experience. Here’s what other students have said:

I am incorporating a lot of what I have learned into my job.  It’s increased my understanding of how to advocate successfully for people.  I feel much more equipped to deal with complex situations and more confident in dealing with the council. 

It’s a very comprehensive learning experience.  It’s an opportunity to meet like-minded people and to draw on and learn from their expertise too. 

The course has given me the professional perspective, as my experience was mostly personal.  Using this knowledge along with my experiences will increase my confidence.

This has been absolutely brilliant for my job. It’s given me a lot more confidence. It’s really helped me to reflect on my practice. 

2021 course participants