Applying in 2022

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  • Post category:SQA Award

Applications for 2022-23 are now open and will close on July 22nd.

Your friendly student liaison and SQA Coordinator this year is Jenny Reekie and she is available to take enquiries or your completed application form by email

Take a look at the other posts covering student activity to stay up to date and particularly useful is for the application process is how applications are assessed. Don’t hesitate to ask about anything on your mind and look out for an information session by webinar. You may be looking for some assistance with the application and some applicants may be interested to know about ways of funding the course and that kind of information is in the course detail.

New for this year is a forum category in the SDS Forum for students or prospective students to ask questions and start discussions. Take a moment to register with it and explore other SDS topics

We’re looking forward to hearing from you soon.